Grab a cup of coffee, and let's chat. As you may have gathered from another of my blog posts, 6 Ways to Make Your ERP Work Better, I highly recommend customers and partners attend our Training Classes. Every user — even those in the software testing or research phase — benefits from more hands-on education. Not only can you learn how to setup and configure the software for your specific needs, you'll also learn tips and tricks for every day use of xTuple ERP. Group training has the added benefit of hearing other users' questions and comments. The back-and-forth dialogue is one of my favorite parts of every class!
We have an extensive line up of great classes scheduled that you won't want to miss, so here's an overview of your options over the next few months.
ERP Boot Camp — June 12th - 16th (5 days)
Washington, D.C. Location: University of Phoenix, 1800 South Bell Street, Arlington, VA 22202
This is the ideal class to learn how to setup and configure xTuple ERP. Whether you are using PostBooks®, Enterprise Edition or anything in between, this class fully details the robust features and functionality in a relaxed, comfortable environment. Customers come from around the world to learn Setup, Configuration, Workflow and best practices. You won't want to miss this opportunity to get the most value out of xTuple.
ERP Advanced — August 21st - 24th (4 days)
Location: To Be Determined
One of my favorite shows is HowStuffWorks. I'm fascinated by the 'behind the scenes' view into how manufacturing happens. Do you have an interest in learning 'How xTuple Works'? Are you looking to explore how you can get even more out of xTuple ERP? Do you need to integrate xTuple with third-party apps, import data or learn more about xTuple business logic? Join us for this four-day advanced class that will empower you to take advantage of xTuple's advanced capabilities. Attendees long ago dubbed it "Power User Training," which has really stuck.
Because we've seen the superior results with successfully implemented customers that more training yields, we've bundled both of the in-the-classroom trainings for 25% off their regular price. AND you can still take advantage of this combined class offer by sending multiple people from the same company.
Or the next best thing to being there!
You asked; xTuple answered! While I'm partial to the benefits of the Classroom setting, we also have online options for those who can't get to our classes IRL (in real life)!
Accounting for Non-Accountants — May 23rd (1 day)
Our "Easy to Understand Accounting" course is a one-day training designed to help lay people learn how to setup, configure and understand core xTuple accounting functionality. Properly configuring Accounting is vital, so for those users who don't have an Accountant in-house, this class is a MUST!
Custom Reporting — July 11th (1 day)
Want to tweak an existing Report, make a cosmetic change, or create a new one? Need to understand SQL and meta-SQL? If you answered 'Yes' to any or all, then this is the class for you! Check out the full curriculum and see what's new in Reporting.
Project Go-Live: How to Manage your ERP Implementation — July 13th - 14th (2 days)
So after Boot Camp, you are armed with the knowledge to implement xTuple ERP, but then, you realize that you can't go it alone. Accounting, Sales and Operations, etc., all need to come together to determine the best plan for your implementation to be successful. Determining who should do what, and when it should be done are just the beginning. Essentially, everyone is affected by an ERP Implementation, so preparing, planning and piloting are crucial to ensure a smooth transition.
ERP Basics — August 8th - 10th (3 days)
The ERP Basics class is the best place to begin learning about xTuple, and it's less than a week away! You will learn best processes and procedures to get the most from xTuple ERP. This is a great class for those who need to understand the 'big picture' and arms you with the knowledge to go on to the next level. ERP Basics is the recommended class for those who are new to xTuple and need to get the best workflows in place for themselves and their business. It's wholly independent of Boot Camp (but a great place to start before the 5-day firehose of information that Boot Camp is known as), and perfect for new hires at your company.
Have Training Credits?
Are you a Customer with an Annual Support Contract? If so, you have Training Credits. Let's put them to good use!
If you have multiple users who would like to attend more than one class, please contact Training to see if you qualify for a discount!
Don't forget, we still have the 2017 ROADSHOW experience, perhaps coming to a corner of the globe near you. Pre-register for the xTuple® ROADSHOW.