Trying to solve the sales and marketing challenges of today and prepare for tomorrow's unique business needs? Suffering compliance headaches, such as sales tax complexity? Big changes in xTuple warranted bumping the major version numbering to meet — no, exceed — your requirements. Here's why you should care, what customer's development sponsorship we all have to thank, and what's in 5.0 for you.
xTuple's Collective Brainpower Blog

xTuple named top Material Requirements Planning (MRP) software by Capterra. From production forecasting, processing and quality control, MRP software is designed to help manage all components necessary to successfully meet manufacturing needs. Here is a quick overview of the most popular MRP software options as measured by number of customers, number of users, social presence and user reviews...

These inventory management tools are some of the best to deliver great customer service while keeping all data secure in the cloud. Inventory management software is a powerful tool to help organisations manage payments and purchases. The other advantages of open source are that it's normally totally free and supported by a responsive online community of other users that can make implementation and software management much easier.

America's manufacturing sector and its importance to the country's economic well-being and national security cannot be overstated. While manufacturing makes up 8.5% of U.S employment and 11.7% of U.S. GDP (gross domestic product), our country’s manufacturers drive 35% of productivity growth, 60% of exports, and 70% of private-sector research and development (R&D). This is of big importance to not only to you and me — and the nation — but the global supply chain as well.

There are six reasons why prospects don't buy from you, but just one is enough to kill a sale. Preempt these objections and you'll sell more. Is your sales team meeting its quota?

Traditional ERP providers continue to offer SCM and CRM capabilities that have remained staples to the market since widespread adoption of ERP software began more than a decade ago. However, disruptive newcomers and evolving customer trends are bringing new technologies to the table so that organizations can take full advantage of data.

There's some really good news coming out of the National Federation for Independent Business (NFIB), which is reporting a record high in optimism and plans for growth among its membership of American small businesses. And importantly, it's not just good news for the companies — it's good for workers, too! The NFIB Research Foundation has collected Small Business Economic Trends data from NFIB’s membership with quarterly surveys since 1973 and monthly surveys since 1986. The most recent was conducted in August 2018, and the report is awesome.

If you’re an entrepreneur running a business, you understand how important it is to stay on top of finances. Cash flow, taxes, and managing finances are some of the biggest challenges businesses face. Knowing who owes you and if you owe a supplier or creditor is crucial to success.

We live in a time of rapid change. Things happen so quickly that many of us don't have time to reflect on the present, much less the past. Many don't seem to realize that DevOps, APIs and interface generation, Internet of Things (IoT), edge computing, code linting, test-driven development, prototype-based inheritance, and a whole slew of other state-of-the-art stuff isn't new. The names might be, but the ideas are not. The details have changed, but most of the underlying concepts are the same. We in the technology industry do ourselves a great disservice when we ignore — or don't understand — the past.

xTuple was honored with the Enterprise Innovation Product of the Year Award for their newly released product, xTupleCommerce, an eCommerce platform conceived to give small-to-medium sized manufacturers and distributors, and their entire global supply chain, a head-start over their competition with digital transformation technology. xTuple's business users can now add a new revenue channel, reduce their sales cycles, and engage with customers 24/7, in the same self-service, business-to-consumer (B2C) format we're all used to — with this powerful sales enablement tool. xTupleCommerce is the ONLY business-to-business (B2B) eCommerce Customer Web Portal featuring a real-time open source ERP integration. Accepting for xTuple were founder and CEO Ned Lilly and Josh Fischer, product manager for xTupleCommerce.

From TEC Principal Analyst Predrag (PJ) Jakovljevic: xTuple, a leading commercial open source enterprise resource planning (ERP) software suite, with integrated customer relationship management (CRM) software, now offers real-time ecommerce capabilities to support the omnichannel needs of manufacturing and distribution companies. Based on open source enterprise software technologies, the ERP...

Business development in the manufacturing industry is changing rapidly. It's harder for small to mid-sized manufacturers to compete with larger ones on cost, recognition, and range of capabilities. The constant push to vendor consolidation heightens market pressure. It’s not the family business or the “old-boys” network it used to be.

Record low unemployment, quarterly growth numbers, and — most encouragingly — small business confidence. IN THIS ISSUE: Product News — Invest Now for long-term Business Growth; xTupleCommerce wins Innovation Product of the Year Award; Where's Wally? Team xTuple is on the Agenda at MFGCON18 and FABTECH18; Partners — Why I Work with xTupleCommerce; Meet the Interns — Summer 2018 & Beyond; xTupleU — upcoming Training; Need In-House xTuple Expertise? Post Your Job Openings (free!)

I just saw "The Lego Movie" recently, which was of course great fun. Sure, it's a whip-smart commentary on corporatism, groupthink, and the awkward process of growing old and losing your soul... but I just can't get that hilariously catchy theme song out of my head. Everything is Awesome! We're seeing all kinds of news these days about record low unemployment, quarterly growth numbers, and — most encouragingly — small business confidence. So, is everything really going to be awesome now?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): A company can employ any and all marketing techniques and still not find value in them. This comes from a lack of assessing which parts are working — and which ones are not. Many companies use vanity metrics or metrics where the only purpose is to help you and your marketing team feel better about yourselves.

In early June, I produced a webinar on the latest in digital transformation for manufacturers (and distributors) with special emphasis on the benefits of a business-to-business (B2B) eCommerce system. In attendance were xTuple's existing ERP (enterprise resource planning) customers, people exploring new business management software, and others hoping to learn how all this will/can affect their business. We received great feedback about the content of the webinar...

Every morning I hit the ground running by listening to a daily Apple news podcast to get the latest goings-on in the world of tech giant Apple. Mac OS Ken, by his own admission, eats, sleeps and breathes Apple news and news related to Apple news. I've been a faithful listener for all of his more than 10 years producing a daily Apple news show; we're both closing in on our second decade of Apple-obsession! While I am interested in all things Apple, I keep a keen ear peeled for any news related to Apple Tech in the Enterprise...

While free accounting software that meets all of the needs of a small business is difficult to find, Fit Small Business — the leading digital resource for small business — compared over a dozen solid options and narrowed it down to the five (5) best. Evaluations are based on price, features and other criteria. In the top five is xTuple PostBooks®, named best for Manufacturing and Distribution businesses that want a system that integrates accounting, operations, sales and inventory all in one software for free.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is radically changing the world as we know it — and ERP systems are no exception. In the manufacturing industry, ERP systems already work in sync with the cloud and other technological advances. However, implementation of IoT can truly change the game for many companies. So, what does the future look like for ERP and IoT?

Customer Relationship Management software manages the business interactions with current and future customers using technology to organize, automate and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support business process in an organization. CRM enable better interactions between organizations and their clients. As the name suggests, they are basically meant to allow better customer relationships. Some of the functionalities one can expect from robust CRM software packages include...