AKA ShipIt for xTuple ERP
AKA ShipIt for xTuple ERP
Create multiple packages/boxes, automatically and accurately calculate weight and insurance value, assign third party billing from customer records, process shipments from xTuple Inventory, and more. Seamlessly integrated with xTuple. Lite and Pro versions. Contact developer for a complimentary demonstration, pricing and support.

Arena Solutions — BOM Control Integration
Arena Solutions — BOM Control Integration
Cloud-based solution for bill of materials and change management to bridge the gap between design, engineering and manufacturing.

How to Buy from xTuple MarketPlace
How to Buy from xTuple MarketPlace
Find apps and extensions, documentation and forms (PDF), reports and definitions (XML), service and support, training events, and more. Includes add-on packages from our global community of partners and users who contribute products designed to power-up capabilities with your xTuple applications.