The FRE is the very flexible financial reporting tool that enables you to create core financial reports like Income Statements and Balances sheets as well as custom reports including Working Capital reports and Profit Center P/L reports.
Like everything in xTuple the FRE has continued to evolve with large and small improvements over time. But, the FRE video had not kept up, that is until now. A new video that introduces the audience to FRE basics has been posted and can now be accessed here.
You can also access it by going to the Demo Videos area of xTuple.com.
The video first shows the output from an existing basic financial report and then, in a few minutes, shows a simple Income Statement being created. There's no Julia Childs "we just happened have one ready to come out of the oven" here. The video is only 11 minutes long and yet in that time you are introduced to the FRE, see new FRE report created from scratch, and see its resulting output.
Bon Appetit